Tension Headache Relief

Tension headache relief, in this section I will explain common causes and relief techniques that an individual can employ to relieve the pain and suffering from tension headache when it occurs.

What is a tension headache:
Tension headaches are the most common type of primary headache. Up to 90% of adults have had or will have tension headaches. This type of headache can cause mild or moderate pain in the head, behind the eyes and neck. Research have shown that Tension Headaches occur more commonly among women than men.

Tension headaches are not uncommon with today’s adult population considering the fast pace of living we experience today. They can feel like your head is being squeezed by a vise, Such headaches can be experienced as a constant pain and others come and go over time. You can feel the pressure or pain on the top of the head, the forehead and/or the sides of the head.

Tension headaches can be caused from a lack of sleep, the skipping of meals, or an increased amount of stress (“stress headaches”). Underlying illness or eye strain can frequently cause headache. Muscular tension caused by poor posture, over exertion, or anxiety may also contribute.

Tension headaches can also cause pain in the neck and base of the head. Headaches can last 30 minutes or longer. They tend to come more frequently in mid-day, can vary in the threshold of pain throughout the day, or be experienced during the entire day. People who experience these headaches are still usually able to do their daily work and activities.

Stress and tension headaches can become a chronic condition, lasting up to 90 days and occurring more than 15 days each month.

Tension headache relief, the following techniques have been proven to be effective for relieving the effects of Tension Headache;
- Relax Your Eyes. Rest your eyes periodically. Tension headaches are often caused by eye fatigue. Close your eyes, cup them with the palms of your hands, and apply light pressure for 2 minutes.
- If you work on the computer, take a 10-minute screen break every hour.
- Massage the temples, shoulders, back of the head, and neck, or any other area where you feel tension.
- Massage your face. In particular, rubbing the temples, forehead, and area between the eyebrows can relieve tension.
- Place a hot compress on your fore-head or the back of your neck. 
- Drink herbal tea. Many herbs, such as peppermint and chamomile, are said to have calming properties.
- Have a cup of caffeinated coffee or tea. Caffeine reduces blood-vessel swelling, and thus can help to relieve a headache.
- Take an over-the-counter painkiller. If your relaxation techniques don’t work, aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen may help.

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